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Momus Analytics


Virtual Focus Group

Have an upcoming trial? Let Momus’ Virtual Focus Group help you gain insights into your case. Focus groups are one of the most effective research methods to collect information about your case theme, theories, and jurors. The Momus team has experience in handling all of the logistics from sourcing jurors and securing attendance to coordinating, hosting, and moderating the session.

For firms that want to carry out case research, virtual focus groups are a game-changing step in the evolution of research, building on the strengths of traditional focus groups and bringing several advantages, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness. Properly running focus groups requires running multiple sessions, possibly in multiple geographic locations. This creates a good deal of expense – not only research costs but travel costs as well. Virtual focus groups can offer financial savings compared to traditional focus groups when all the costs are considered.
  • Flexible geographical reach. Virtual focus groups can be used to break down geographical barriers by bringing respondents from your case-specific jurisdiction into the same discussion. This can help you obtain more targeted insights into your case. Thanks to the advantages of being online, you can be wherever and whenever you want.
  • Multidimensional Feedback. Participants can provide written feedback, which can be done openly to the group or privately to the moderator. Typed responses to questions, concepts, or other stimuli can be gathered through chats, ratings, polls, and multiple-choice selections.

To learn more or get started, complete the Focus Group request form below or contact us directly at