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New Cause Note Functionality

Marking the cause target on a juror tile in Voir Dire serves as an “ON” button now. This new feature has been added to make it easier to write notes that are marked for cause. When you click the cause…

First In-Person Trial with Momus

On Monday, February 8, 2021, Alex Alvarez from the Alvarez Law Firm conducted the first in-person jury selection in an Oregon courthouse since the start of the global pandemic. Alvarez used Momus Analytics in a tobacco jury trial and successfully…

Target Panel

The new ‘Target Panel’ feature will automatically synthesize all jurors marked for Plaintiff and Defense cause, hardships, and jurors flagged for follow-up. As jurors are dismissed, you will see a strikethrough of the dismissed jurors in the Target Panel. This…

Security Update: Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor Authentication is required starting April 1, 2022. MFA helps safeguard your MOMUS accounts by requiring users to prove their identity with multiple factors. When logging in, users will use a combination of their username and password along with a…

Live Chat Support

We have introduced an in-app support feature where you can chat with us in real-time for technical support, without having to leave the software. You’ll find the Support/Chat button on the bottom left-hand corner of the page. When the widget…

2021 New Billing Features

We are extremely excited to announce the release of a completely redesigned Firm Management module. The new features that have been added to this module make it easier for Firm Admins to manage users, add licenses and track billing. LICENSES…

Virtual Focus Group

Virtual focus groups are on the rise. The need to go virtual across the legal community has been trending the past few months due to the Pandemic from depositions to mediations, and now with our very own new feature. Momus…

Voir Dire – Plaintiff & Defense Bias

In developing this Voir Dire feature, we have separated the Tracking functionality from the Scoring functionality. The functionality for tracking jurors that have answered Voir Dire questions remains the same. Clicking on the grey bubble on the juror tile will…

June New Features

We have significant launches heading your way that will enhance the way that users interact with Momus. Read on to learn what you can expect to see in the coming weeks. USER LICENSING Firm Admins can use this licensing feature…

New Configure Voir Dire

We have redesigned the way that users can build their outline of questions to make it easier and more efficient. The new redesign allows users to copy Voir Dire outlines from previous cases, which allows users to build their outline…

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